YWCA, Manchester NH
The YWCA delivers social service programs that enrich the general community of girls and women of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds. These services are supported with contributions made by the general public and local businesses. As an early pilot of the NPFI concept, YWCA-Manchester agreed to work with UNH Manchester Computing Technology department – a computer science class worked with non-profit staff to develop a prototype tool called DONATE. Initially started with a grant awarded by the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) to a Computer Information Systems student and mentored by Professor Mihaela Sabin, DONATE was subsequently refined through the contributions of other students.
The DONATE system includea a simple web interface that permits an administrator to add, update, edit, and delete information related to who makes donations, donation amounts, and fund raising events. DONATE also lets users specify the services a donation will benefit. The system’s reporting tools allow a user to download reports in Excel format, print reports directly from the web, and send email reminders to past donors at yearly intervals from the time of first donation.
The Development Triad:
- The Non-Profit: YWCA New Hampshire
- The University: University of New Hampshire, Manchester, NH began development through a student-mentor grant in the Summer of 2011. Since that time, it has evolved through subsequent student software development projects.
- The Software Professional: (the software is not yet deployed)
Developer Links (source code and design documents)
- For access to the “sandbox” version of this software, log in at:
Username: _ywcaadmin and Password: password